Christ Church
United Methodist

Glens Falls



The Book of Acts offers us a window into a time when community wasn’t just a concept but the essence of daily living for the early Christians. Acts 2:44-45 is a powerful example: “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” This wasn’t just about sharing a meal or a helping hand; it was about sharing life itself, making sure no one was left in need. This wasn’t charity; it was a way of life, a testament to unity, and love, and justice, not just within the church but beyond. It’s a radical approach to community that challenges contemporary norms, and is built on the premise that true fulfillment comes from collective well-being, and that caring for the community is the way to serve God. *Taken from Upper New York “Together In Prayer”


Lord, unite us in making our community a true reflection of your realm. Help us amplify your boundless generosity.